Waka Ama

Waka Ama is an enriching cultural sport with deep roots in Polynesian heritage. Waka Ama involves racing or paddling outrigger canoes which necissitates teamwork, coordination and endurance. Training occurs during lunchtimes and at Okahu Bay .

Epsom Girls Grammar competes at both a Junior and Senior level with strong results at the recent Nationals, and international selection for leader Abigail Liufalani into the NZ Elite J19 Women's Team.

Key Season Dates & Information

Term 1 2025


Training will start on Monday 10th February, following the selection of teams at trials this week. 

Land Based Trainings: 1-2 per week at School. Details TBC

Water Trainings: 3 per week at Okahu Bay Beach, Orakei 

Mondays 4.30pm - 5.45pm

Wednesdays 4.30pm - 5.45pm

Saturdays 11.15am- 12.30pm

Taxi's will be provided from school to Okahu Bay for the weekday trainings but students will need to arrange their own transport home. Taxi's will leave from outside the Hostel on Owens Road at 4pm. Students will need to arrange their own transport to and from the Saturday trainings.

Major Tournaments

Waka Ama Senior Regatta
Saturday 1 March, 2025

Waka Ama Secondary School Nationals
24-28 March 2025


Waka Ama Junior Regatta
November, 2025

Ian Shaw Park


A season fee will be charged to cover Term 1 training and the Auckland Senior Regatta. Nationals will be charged in addition once the final team is selected.

Uniform & Equipment Required

Students are provided with an EGGS singlet to use for the season but will need to provide their own black sports shorts or tights. Students will also be supplied a life jacket and paddle by the School.

Key Contacts

Sports Coordinator


Teacher in Charge

Aleiscia Phillips: APhillips@eggs.school.nz 

Student Leaders

Nia Owen: 22358@apps.eggs.school.nz