Whārangi kāinga
Haere mai and welcome to eLearn. This is a key place where you can find useful information. Here is a link to the portal where you will find the notices and your timetable.

2024 Student Handbook
Vision: Enabling ākonga to be confident, resilient, and agentic
Epsom Girls Grammar School Te Kura Tuarua o Ngā Taitamāhine o Maungawhau is committed to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the New Zealand Curriculum. Learning is founded on traditions of whānaungatanga, service, and commitment to high-quality education. Ākonga are empowered to be open to change, culturally responsive, and reflective.
Values: Courage, Compassion, Curiosity, Community
We are a community that celebrates diversity. Respecting the mana and dignity of all is reflected in our values of compassion, courage, curiosity, and community. The values enrich learning and leadership in the contexts of hauora, the curriculum, and co-curricular activities.
2025 Locker Applications
If you would like to hire a locker please click here to complete the application.
2025 Student ID Cards
Student ID cards are now available to order via this link provided you have a 2025 photo on Kamar.
A charge of $6 will be loaded to the portal and once the payment has been made your order will be processed.
Learn Karakia!
Restorative Practices at EGGS
Epsom Girls Grammar School is a restorative school. We aim to create a supportive and inclusive school environment by prioritising our school values, and we use restorative practices as one approach to maintain our constructive relationships. Restorative Practice is a philosophy and set of strategies that focus on fostering relationships, promoting accountability, and repairing harm. It encourages active participation from all parties involved in a conflict or harm.
Key elements of restorative practices include circles, conferences, and restorative conversations. Circles provide a safe space for open communication and problem-solving, allowing students and staff to express themselves, listen to others, and build relationships. Conferences bring together those affected by an incident to discuss its impact, explore perspectives, and collectively develop solutions and agreements. Restorative conversations involve one-on-one discussions aimed at addressing specific incidents and repairing relationships.
By implementing restorative practices students are empowered to take responsibility for their actions, learn from their mistakes, and make amends, fostering a positive school climate that supports both individual growth and community well-being.
What Restorative means?
We have a Code of Conduct, this is our version of "school rules" and the focus is on the actions and conduct of the people in our school community.
Traditionally, when rules are broken, punishment is given. However this does not always change behaviour or address harm. With restorative practices, rules are important and when they are broken, relationships are harmed. Restorative maintains high expectations of behaviour for all members of our school community and makes space for people to learn and grow through repairing relationships.
What does restorative look like?
Restorative processes follow a process to identify and repair harm.
What happened? restorative looks at how people are involved in a situation or incident.
What is the harm? effects of what happened on people, and how they feel.
Understanding and repairing harm - this is about taking -responsibility and putting things right
Monitor is our School Print Management system, that enables printing to the Canon Copiers and HP Printers around the school, with contactless online top-ups of your printing account.
MyMonitor Online account portal for Printing/Scanning/Photocopying.
WebPrint Online portal where you can upload your print files directly (document, webpage, or email).
Instructions MyMonitor Print Portal WebPrint
Where to eat when it is wet outside: Whenever possible, students should be outside eating their lunch. If it is too wet to be outside, students can remain in the classroom that they were in before the break.
Students are not able to stay in specialist rooms such as labs and workshops and will be asked to go outside if appropriate or to another room/space where to spend the break. Food cannot be eaten in the library.
Remember to always put your rubbish and food scraps in the bins.
The School Physio is Back!
Bookings available now. See Useful links for booking details
2025 Lost Property Register
If you have lost items while at school please use the QR code or register it here.
Microsoft Student Advantage provides access to Office365, a full version of Office, including: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, OneNote, Access and Publisher.
Students can install the software on up to five computers including Windows, Mac and Mobile Devices.
Log in with your id number @eggs.school.nz
For detailed instructions click here.
BYOD and eLearning
All year levels are invited to bring an appropriate device to aid their learning. Details can be found on our website Quick Links - BYOD.
It is important for every new student to complete the Introduction to Using Student Devices (BYOD) at EGGS 2024 - here.
EGGS WiFi 2024
Setup your EGGS WiFi from School by connecting to "Join EGGS", or from your Home WiFi or a 3G/4G connection, then open your Browser and go to: https://join.eggs.school.nz
Select "BYOD" and follow the prompts.
For more detailed information on connecting to the EGGS WiFi - view these instructions.
If you are still having problems connecting, please come to the IT HelpDesk outside L3.
Adobe on BYOD devices
The entire Adobe suite will be available for the students on their BYOD devices after they have paid a $9 administration fee on their portal, the license is only valid until the end of each year.
How to get Adobe:
Please use this Google form Adobe Creative Cloud to request your Adobe Suite. Once you get a reply, your Adobe Suite license will be charged to the Parent Portal overnight. Once you have paid for your license the student will be added to the Adobe Creative Cloud and receive an email from Adobe in their Gmail to setup their login to download Adobe.