Sports Registration & Fees
Registration for Sports at Epsom Girls Grammar School is all online.
Students and parents will be advised via email when Registration is open and links will be available on eLearn.
Registration for Sports at Epsom Girls Grammar School is all online.
Students and parents will be advised via email when Registration is open and links will be available on eLearn.
Please pay close attention to the closing dates and fee information found on each sport's registration form.
Please pay close attention to the closing dates and fee information found on each sport's registration form.
Student participation in sport is accompanied by a sports fee. These fees go towards National / Regional sporting levies and affiliation, entry fees, coaching, umpiring, equipment, first-aid supplies, uniforms (if applicable) and administration costs.
Student participation in sport is accompanied by a sports fee. These fees go towards National / Regional sporting levies and affiliation, entry fees, coaching, umpiring, equipment, first-aid supplies, uniforms (if applicable) and administration costs.
All sports fees are required to be paid in full prior to the fee due date, or before the season or one-off-event commences. Please note that this may differ for each sport code.
All sports fees are required to be paid in full prior to the fee due date, or before the season or one-off-event commences. Please note that this may differ for each sport code.
Non-payment of fee’s may impact on future team selection and sporting opportunities.
We have a strict 'no pay, no play' policy. Students will not be selected for any team or be able to participate in any code if they have outstanding sports fees from 2024.
Non-payment of fee’s may impact on future team selection and sporting opportunities.
We have a strict 'no pay, no play' policy. Students will not be selected for any team or be able to participate in any code if they have outstanding sports fees from 2024.
Payment is made through the Parent Portal and instructions will be given on the individual registration / permission form for each code. Payment can be made by credit card or internet banking (with specific reference and particulars).
Payment is made through the Parent Portal and instructions will be given on the individual registration / permission form for each code. Payment can be made by credit card or internet banking (with specific reference and particulars).
Should you wish to discuss payment options we invite you to contact your child's Year Level Dean and the Sports Office confidentially at any stage.
We appreciate your support in this area.
Should you wish to discuss payment options we invite you to contact your child's Year Level Dean and the Sports Office confidentially at any stage.
We appreciate your support in this area.
Please consider carefully before making your decision to join a sport. When you join a sport you are expected to be fully committed to that team, attending all meetings, practices and games. Students who are consistently absent will be withdrawn from the team and their future participation in sport at Epsom Girls Grammar School could be compromised.
Please consider carefully before making your decision to join a sport. When you join a sport you are expected to be fully committed to that team, attending all meetings, practices and games. Students who are consistently absent will be withdrawn from the team and their future participation in sport at Epsom Girls Grammar School could be compromised.
Likewise, if you withdraw from a team after the event/season has begun, you may not be permitted to play sport, in any code, for Epsom Girls Grammar School that season.
Likewise, if you withdraw from a team after the event/season has begun, you may not be permitted to play sport, in any code, for Epsom Girls Grammar School that season.
It is as easy as this:
It is as easy as this:
Click on the “REGISTER NOW” button for the sport/s chosen to access the Registration Form.
Carefully read and complete the Registration form with your child
Turn up to trainings / trials ~ meet new people, learn new skills and HAVE FUN!
Adventure Racing